Sales Assistant > Automatic message to the buyer after sale on Allegro

Automatic message with a purchase thank you

Thanks to automatic messages to the buyer after sale on Allegro you can:

  • send a thank you for the purchase,
  • depend the title and content of the message on the items included in the order, e.g.:
    • send usage instructions,
    • send helpful information that will enable the buyer to solve potential problems on their own,
    • include activation codes for digital products in the message,
    • include information about offers on Allegro related to the purchase, which may interest the buyer.
  • rest while the tool automatically sends the message for you.
  • increase customer satisfaction and sales on Allegro.

Messages are sent to the buyer who has placed an order ready for fulfillment – paid or collected on delivery.

Sending activation codes for products

If after selling a digital product on Allegro you send links or activation codes for purchased products, such as a license key, it can be done automatically using Automatic post-sale messages to the buyer.

Just enable the tool and in dynamic response content include the tag:
{% get_activation_code 'nazwa grupy kodów' %}
You will add codes on the page activation codes settings.

Activation codes shipping settings

Option to set up SMS sending

Just purchase an SMS package and place a special SMS sending code in the message template. If you want only an SMS to be sent after purchase, without an Allegro message, leave only the code responsible for sending the SMS in the template.

{% send_sms order.buyer.phoneNumber "Dziękujemy za zakup w naszym sklepie ABC." %}

PRO Version of Automatic Post-Sale Messages New

The free version checks orders approximately every 15 minutes. There is also available paid version PRO, which checks orders every 1 minute. The differences in operation of both versions are presented in the table below:

Functionality Version
Free PRO
Checking orders approximately every

15 minutes

1 minute

No Niezbędnik Sprzedawcy advertisement in the footer



Method of sending messages Our mail server Allegro API or our mail server
Message visibility In mail In mail and in the Allegro Message Center

FAQ — Frequently Asked Questions

How much does using Automatic post-sale messages on Allegro?

The tool is free.

Is using the tool in accordance with the regulations Allegro?

Yes. The tool complies with the regulations Allegro.

How to start using the tool.
  1. Create a free account in Niezbędnik Sprzedawcy.
  2. Connect Allegro accounts in Allegro Accounts settings.
  3. Enable the Automatic post-sale messages feature on Allegro in Sales Assistant settings.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact.

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