Sales Assistant > Allegro Offer Promotion Schedule

The tool allows for the automatic enabling and disabling of flexible highlights in selected listings according to a set schedule. For each listing, you can define a separate schedule.
Przejdź do Harmonogramu Promowań Ofert AllegroFAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
How much does it cost to use the Allegro Offer Promotion Schedule?
You can find the current cost of the tool in our pricing.
After purchasing the tool, you can connect an unlimited number of Allegro accounts to it.
Is using the tool in compliance with Allegro's terms and conditions?
Yes. The tool operates through the API provided by Allegro to enhance sales efficiency.
How to start using the tool.
- Create a free account in Salesman's Essential Kit.
- Purchase the tool in our store.
- Connect Allegro accounts in Allegro Accounts settings.
- Enable the Allegro Offer Promotion Schedule feature in Sales Assistant settings.
- Configure schedule in the tool settings.