Assortment Niches on Allegro 
Discover products that are missing on Allegro!
You have the possibility to search for products that:
- have never been available on Allegro,
- have not been available on Allegro for the last 30 days,
- have not been available for more than 30 days,
- are only available in the Official Allegro Store.

Search by name, brand, GTIN code (EAN, UPC, ISBN), model, or manufacturer code.
Filter results by selected category.

Data Collection Limitations
Since June 1, 2021, Allegro API returns a limited range of publicly available information about offers:
- popularity - instead of the number of sold items, only ranges are available: 0, [1-5], [6-10], [11-20], [21-50], [51-100], [101+];
- the number of offers in the results of a given search is limited to 600.
Therefore, for offers collected after this time, the popularity value represents the lower limit of the popularity ranges returned by Allegro.
Despite the above limitations, which we were aware of during the tool's design phase, we strive to provide you with a tool that is helpful in analyzing offers, sellers, categories, sales hits, relevance, item prices, etc.
The mentioned limitations do not apply to data retrieved from Google - search trends and keyword suggestions.