Sales and Offer Statistics Allegro Log in to use it for free

Sales Statistics Allegro

Track sales volume on Allegro, analyze offers, their prices, availability, and quantity over time.
Narrow down results to the time range selected on the chart and discover seasonal trends.

In the main time chart, it is possible to view the following data:

  • offer popularity over time
  • average offer price over time,
  • average number of available units over time,
  • total number of available units over time,
  • number of offers over time.
Offer Price Analysis Allegro

Detailed data also available, including:

  • top offers by average popularity,
  • top offers by average relevance position,
  • price histogram,
  • available units histogram,
  • number of photos in offer histogram,
  • offer ID histogram (the higher the ID, the newer the offer),
  • list of sellers with the highest total offer popularity,
  • list of sellers with the highest number of offers in top positions,
  • list of sellers who have held the SuperSeller title the longest,
  • seller account ID histogram (the higher the ID, the newer the account).
Offer Price Histogram Allegro

Offer filtering options for displaying results:

  • by category tree,
  • from a specific time range,
  • by position limit in relevance search,
  • by phrase in item name,
  • by seller's login,
  • by offer number,
  • by price range,
  • by promotion method (highlighting, bolding, highlighting),
  • by enabled free shipping option,
  • by SuperSeller status,
  • by Company account status,
  • by category ID.

For advanced item name search, we provide Custom Query, where you can apply logical operators OR, AND, and NOT. This allows you to search for offers containing one or another phrase, etc.

Limitations in collected data.
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